Sunday, May 4, 2008

Descriptive Poetry by Room 15

Autumn Adventure
Mrs. Hofmeister’s Second Grade

We see… the little, black birds flying across the big, blue sky,
a squirrel eating a nut scrapping his razor sharp teeth to get to the nut,
the darkness of our shadows stretching across the rough grass,
colorful butterflies zooming like jets,
the blue sky like the deep blue sea.

We hear…
dry grass that sounds as crunchy as a human eating a chip,
songbirds like angels singing a heavenly song,
the crunch, crunch of breaking autumn leaves,
the whistling wind rushing through the crisp grass,
the tangled trees grumbling like a hungry tummy.

We smell…
the smoky smell of BBQ blowing through the air,
the sweet smell of rain soaked grass,
the freshness of the damp air,
fresh flowers that smell like perfume,
the delicious smells of autumn.

We feel… sharp glass that feels like piercing metal,
dusty dirt that is hard like clay,
tree sap, which is sticky like honey,
pointy pinecones as prickly as a porcupine,
the dampness of the moist grass.

The beauty of the world around us.

Welcome to Mrs. Hofmeister's Room 15 Blog!

I have finally succeeded in my attempts to set up a classroom website! It is my hope that this website will provide the families of my students with a look at what is going on inside of room 15. It is my goal over the next few months to continue to revise the layout and content of this site. Spend some time looking around and let me know what you think!